
17 October 2012

Wiring Diagram: Tele HH 4-way mod with independent volumes and coil split


Guitar moded

Fender Telecaster, with two humbuckers

  • Two humbuckers
  • Two pull/push pots
  • Fender's 4-way blade switch
  • 2 volumes
  • No tone

Difficulty Level


  • Additional position for both pickups in series
  • Humbuckers individually split
  • Independent volume for each humbucker

Wiring Diagram

Click on the diagram to see it at full size.


Positions are:

1. Neck
2. Neck in parallel with Bridge (regular Tele position)
3. Neck in series with Bridge (additional position)
4. Bridge

Every humbucker can be independently split so, you can select to have each one in humbucker or split mode for each of those positions, giving a wide range of sounds.

Neck's pull/push splits neck humbucker, while Bridge's pull/push splits bridge humbucker.

Since each pickup has its own independent volume control, you can mix both pickups signal to your taste but, be aware that, when both are being combined in series, both controls interactuate and, the neck's volume becomes some kind of master volume. Also, take into account that if you totally roll off bridge's volume, when both pickups are in series, you will get no sound.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! How should I wire double humbuckers with 4-way, one vol push-pull series/parallel switch and one tone series/parallel switch? Do you a diagram for that kind of wiring?


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